Wednesday 17 December 2008

Top 3 Ways to Win Pokers

While there are certainly no foolproof strategies in poker, there are also certain strategies that tend to be effective more often than usual. Here are three desirable scenarios to find yourself in, together with the best moves that you can make.

First Way to Win in Poker

Bankroll yourself for $1,000 then place one-tenth or $100 on the line. Proceed cautiously. Don’t make any waves on the tables and simply concentrate on gauging table conditions. Determine the type of competition you’re up against and other factors that might affect your game.

When seated on the small blind position, aim for a pair of ladies or queens in the first two betting rounds. When someone makes a raise, move in for a re-raise. If you’re in the big blind position, go for a higher re-raise but only after the button’s called.

If the flop reveals a 9-high with a flush drawn then this game could proceed as planned. Go all-in with your remaining money that’s out of position. The dealer and the player who posted the big blind might call your bet. If they do, that’s good.

If the river comes out with a queen then you’re almost a hundred percent sure of winning the pot. Congratulations!

Second Way to Win in Poker

Look for a $50 No Limit Holdem table on poker sites. Again, spend as much time as you need to evaluate table conditions. Try determining which players, for instance, are playing tight games.

As what you’ve done before, call a bet, raise, and then go for a re-raise. If the flop hands you a double pair, go for the pot. The same action is encouraged even if you get a flush draw or a bottom pair. If, on the other hand, you’re lucky enough to get a belly-buster then leave no stone unturned as you make a beeline to the pot!

As the rounds go on, don’t rest on your laurels but focus on keeping your betting and raising constant to put the pressure on other players. Instead of reacting to what other people do to you, force your opponents to react to your moves instead.

Again, a pair of queens would come handy for this strategy. Raise and let your opponents call until they’re lulled into going all-in. Enter the showdown with all confidence because your win is virtually guaranteed.

Third Way to Win in Poker

A pure bluff is making a claim that you have no means of backing up and the only way to win is to force your opponents to fold. A semi-bluff is better; if you can’t force them to fold, you can still win by contriving to improve your hand.

To win in poker with a semi-bluff, you need to take your position into consideration. Raising and betting should also be made at the right time. You could, for instance, just call a bet at the flop then go for a raise on fourth street. This can be quite an exciting time for any player so be sure you’re ready to feel your heart race when you make your move!